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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I buy Phoenix books directly from Phoenix?

We sell some but not all products online through our website. Please also look at bookstores and major retail outlets. Take note of the ISBN number to assist you in your search.

Can you send me a catalog?

You can view or download the catalog PDF by clicking on the button location at the top left corner of the website.

Does Phoenix have its own book subscription service?

We don’t operate our own subscription service at this time.

I’m looking for a book I saw/purchased some time ago, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere now. Can you sell me a copy or tell me where I can buy it?

Like all publishers, our list of available titles changes over time, with new titles added and older books falling out of print. Phoenix books that are more than five years old are likely to be out of print and out of stock. However, very popular books are often reprinted on a regular basis, sometimes with new cover art and/or a different title. Take a look at the catalog to see what’s currently available.

I need a replacement battery for one of your books. What do I do now?

Most of our sound books use 357/AG13/LR44 (or LR1154F) 1.5V button cell batteries. You can buy them wherever watch batteries are sold. Just look for the number on the existing battery and buy one to match.

Please note: although batteries with an SR designation (such as SR44) physically fit in our books, they may not put out the correct voltage and will not work dependably. We do not recommend the use of SR-labeled batteries.

I’m having a problem with one of your products. How do I get a refund?

First, our apologies! We’re sorry you’re having a problem. We work very hard to create the best books possible for our customers.

If the book you purchased is defective (with pages in the wrong order, scrambled sound buttons, or a similar problem), we will replace it, for up to one year after purchase and if we have the title in stock. If you have a defective book, please call Customer Support at 1-877-277-9441 or email us at We will need the ISBN number of the book (printed next to the barcode on the back cover), the date and place of purchase, and your shipping address.
If you have a problem not related to a defect, please return the book to its place of purchase. Their return/replacement policies will apply.

I’d like to copy and use a picture or text from one of your books for personal or non-profit use. How can I get permission to do that?

We never grant permission to use our copyrighted material for commercial purposes, but permission is sometimes granted for personal or non-profit usage, depending on the circumstances. Please email us at with the following information: the exact usage proposed, the number of copies you plan to make (for print media), and the page number and ISBN number of the book in which the requested material appears.

I’m a bookseller and would like to start carrying PI Kids titles. How do I open a business account?

Please email our Sales Department at and we will connect you with a representative. Include your full name and business name, address, and contact telephone number. Thanks for your interest!

I’m an aspiring or professional writer/illustrator. How do I submit my work to you for consideration?

We want to hear your voice! Send your work to following the guidelines below. We accept agented and un-agented submissions. Please indicate if it is a simultaneous submission. Writers and illustrators must be 18 years or older. All submissions must be in English.

  • If you are a writer, please send your unpublished story in the body of the email or as an attachment (.doc or PDF) for review by our publishing team. Please let us know why your story is meaningful to you, how it’s relevant/impactful to your intended audience, how it’s timely (or timeless) yet different from other published titles, and why you are the ideal person to write it!
  • If you are a writer-illustrator, please send your manuscript as described above, and also attach the accompanying illustrations (3-5 JPGs or 1 PDF under 5MB) and a link to your online portfolio.
  • If you are an illustrator who is interested in working with us but not a writer, please send sample images of your work (3-5 JPGs or 1 PDF under 5MB) and a link to your online portfolio.






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