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Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: My First Smart Pad Library 8-Book Set and Interactive Activity Pad Sound Book Set

Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: My First Smart Pad Library 8-Book Set and Interactive Activity Pad Sound Book Set


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Read, play, sing, and learn with Mickey, Minnie, and friends! This 8-book library comes with a two-sided, talking electronic activity pad that includes hundreds of interactive learning activities related to the stories. Preschoolers will learn about the alphabet, numbers, spelling, counting, colors, and more!

Illustrated By: Loter, Maryn Arreguín, Warner McGee, Sue DiCicco, David Mowder
192 Pages

Additional information

Weight 2.88 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 10.3 × 3.25 in
Book Format



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Brands & Characters

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ISBN: 9781450845687
SKU: 1841900

Digital Formats

eBook Links

Read-Along Links

MP3 Links

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